Air Ambulance Statistics is the science of summarizing, collecting, presenting and interpreting data in the business of medical transportation and using them to estimate the magnitude of associations and test hypotheses. It provides a way of organizing information on a wider and more formal basis than relying on the exchange of anecdotes of individual transfers and personal experiences of the patients but also takes into account the intrinsic variation inherent in most biological processes involved in the Air Ambulance business.
Based on a number of Medevac Flights for Patient and their origin based on location.
The final destination may vary based on patient final destination.
Majority of the Medevac Flight transportation originated from Asia and as per our data - majority ended in Asia and the Middle East followed by Africa and Europe. The number of tourists transferred was maximum towards the end of the year from October to December and January.
Most Medical escort transfers on Commercial Flights originated from Asia, the Middle East and the United States. It was more to do with our clients who had maximum medical escort request from this region. Our Medical escort location determines the request coming to us from our client. We have the maximum number of Medical escorts located in these regions but the numbers in Africa were showing an upswing in the year 2018 and we hope to do more from Africa and Europe in the coming years.
Generally, Turbopropeller aircraft were used for domestic transportation mainly in India and the Philippines and other South Asian countries.
Jet Aircraft were utilized for International Patient travel. The approximate proportion of International Medevac Transfers to Domestic Medical Flights was about 70:30.

HI Flying does more International transfer of Patient compared to Domestic Patient transport. This is based on both Air Ambulance Charter flight and Commercial Airlines transfer with Medical escort. The approximate proportion of International to Domestic transfers was about 80:20.

The reasons for Patient transportation on both International and Domestic sectors on Commercial and Charter flights were as given in the pie chart. The reasons vary every year and broadly the proportions remains same. There has been sharp rise in the Psychiatric related cases for patient transfer in the last 3 years.

Commercial flight transfer is an affordable option compared to Air Ambulance Charter flights for the right patient.
HI Flying does a large number of Commercial flight - Stretcher transfer of critical patients including patient on ventilators.
The demand for such services is on the rise especially in Asia and Middle East.
The cost of transportation of a patient on Commercial flight stretcher compared to a Charter flight is less than 50% and is the preferred mode for the right patient.